Let me begin with a reflection on the elastic nature of time. I know scientists have some things to say about this, and there’s that space-time continuum, which I don’t really understand. What I’m talking about is the amazing way that time flows very slowly in some situations, (like when you’re doing something you don’t like, and the clock seems to stop), and in other situations it makes you dizzy, speeding by so fast. I can’t figure out what happened. I know I was planning to post something to the blog on September 16--how did it get to be October 3? Maybe I was abducted by aliens, and lost 2 weeks. I could go out and look for crop circles, but it’s been raining a lot in New England, and the leaves have started to fall, so there probably won’t be any signs left.
Here is a picture that Mark drew (it may be taken from space). He thinks about Germany a lot, first with Sara serving her mission there, and now Jared as well. Jared is serving in the city of Frankfurt now, as an assistant to the mission president. He seems very busy. I know parents love to go pick their missionaries up at the end of the mission. That seems to be discouraged these days, but it may not be an issue for us, as I’m assuming that Jared will either get called to be an area authority seventy and have to stay on, or else get translated, and they’ll just divide his missionary clothes up between the new arriving elders. We feel a bit intimidated by him sometimes.
Lori and family in Westford, MA
This blog is really picking up steam. Thanks Lori and all the Forsyths. We can never have enough kid art.
I think it was Einstein's law of relativity that explains the time thing and Mark Twain had an explanation but I'm with you on how fast it gets away.
Jareds emails should be Ensign articles...they are great!
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