Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Weber High 1933 Yearbook

One of my neighbors was doing some research from the Weber High class of 1933 and noticed lots of pictures of Grandpa and Grandma Thompson. She copied them on to a Cd and gave it to me. They were both "kind of a big deal " in their day (our day too!) I thought I would post some of their pictures for all to see. Grandma was Studentbody VP and Girl's Association President too? Why should that suprise me?



Mary said...

Thanks, Terry. It has been a long time since I looked through mom's old yearbooks.

Layne said...

Weed, now you know where all the student leaders and cool people in our family got their talents. I always felt unworthy to be her son.


sheryl said...

Did it say that she was also voted "most likely to be an angel"?

Terry Hales said...

Layne;I know the feeling!...
Sheryl, That is a good question I may have to check that under her picture in the yearbook. I'm sure it says something like that!

Stacey Ann said...

THat is super neat! So glad you posted those pics!! Thanks Terry!